Saturday, April 30, 2011

love quotes about him

love quotes about him

love quotes about him love quotes about him love quotes about him

love quotes about him love quotes about him love quotes about him

Age is a prison from which we cannot escape. ~Morrow Bourne

I'm hitting the woods just great, but I'm having a terrible time getting out of them. ~Harry Toscano

Winning is overrated. The only time it is really important is in surgery and war. ~Al McGuire

The human race will be the cancer of the planet. ~Julian Huxley, attributed

You're obliged to pretend respect for people and institutions you think absurd. You live attached in a cowardly fashion to moral and social conventions you despise, condemn, and know lack all foundation. It is that permanent contradiction between your ideas and desires and all the dead formalities and vain pretenses of your civilization which makes you sad, troubled and unbalanced. In that intolerable conflict you lose all joy of life and all feeling of personality, because at every moment they suppress and restrain and check the free play of your powers. That's the poisoned and mortal wound of the civilized world. ~"The Mission," Chapter 8

The degree and kind of a man's sexuality reach up into the ultimate pinnacle of his spirit. ~Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, 1886

An apology for the Devil: It must be remembered that we have only heard one side of the case. God has written all the books. ~Samuel Butler, Note-Books

Dancing is the loftiest, the most moving, the most beautiful of the arts, because it is not mere translation or abstraction from life; it is life itself. ~Havelock Ellis

I'd rather kiss a mad cow on the muzzle than a smoker on the mouth. ~Paul Carvel

In retirement, every day is Boss Day and every day is Employee Appreciation Day. ~Anonymous

When you retire, think and act as if you were still working; when you're still working, think and act a bit as if you were already retired. ~Author Unknown

There is no hope unmingled with fear, and no fear unmingled with hope. ~Baruch Spinoza

It will not do to investigate the subject of religion too closely, as it is apt to lead to infidelity. ~Abraham Lincoln, quoted in What Great Men Think Of Religion by Ira Cardiff

Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. ~Wayne Dyer

If you suppress grief too much, it can well redouble. ~Moliere

What's nice about our tour is you can't remember your bad shots. ~Bob Bruce, about the senior tour

Find a man with both feet firmly on the ground and you've found a man about to make a difficult putt. ~Fletcher Knebel

Swimming - what real men do while boys play football. ~Author Unknown

Vacation used to be a luxury, but in today's world it has become a necessity. ~Author Unknown

When you are through changing, you are through. ~Bruce Barton

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